About Us
Our Story
Chrisman Cattle Services, Inc. (CCS) was established in 2004 with the acquisition of the ABS breeding business from Larges Cattle Services. Marvin Large had serviced the area as an ABS representative for 25 years. This was a very fortunate opportunity that came about after Travis served as an apprentice under Marvin for one breeding season.
CCS is owned and operated by Travis and Kelli Chrisman and is located 10 miles southwest of Wauneta, just 3 miles off of Hwy 61. Travis grew up in McCool Junction, NE (York County) where he was raised on a diversified cattle, hog, corn and soybean farm. Through involvement in 4-H projects and the family operation he developed a passion for beef cattle at a young age. This interest led him to the University of Nebraska where he achieved a B.S. in Animal Science and then onto Colorado State University for graduate school where he met Kelli.
Kelli grew up in northern California. She was very involved in FFA and on the family farm where they raised club lambs and showed horses. Kelli left home for college at Colorado State and graduated with her degree in Animal Science and then achieved a Master’s in Agricultural Extension Education. Besides helping with CCS, Kelli runs CCS Print Design (found on Facebook) servicing mainly the cattle industry with advertising, catalogs and logos. She is also an excellent artist and will do commissioned work (see her portfolio at www.sporthorseartconnection.com). Kelli is an avid Hunter/Jumper rider and trainer, working to introduce English riding to southwest Nebraska.
We added Lena in 2013 and Henry in 2015 and they have been such an amazing joy to our lives. Both are interested in so many things!
We are thankful for all of our friends and customers in the cattle business that make our lives so enjoyable. We are looking forward continually earning your business throughout the coming years.